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  • Comments on Profile Post by joecobo_

    1. joecobo_
      Is there like any way I can apply for forums mod? i really have no desire to be a mod in game, but some of the forums need to be organized. Like editing title threads, moving threads, and locking threads. Also do you guys not have permissions to delete spambot threads? You like seriously need it
      Jan 17, 2015
    2. joecobo_
      All cyp needs to do is go into the ACP and edit the moderator rank and just put a checkmark next to the permission that says soft delete threads. Well I'm rambling at this point sorry.
      Jan 17, 2015
    3. Yin
      Eh, it probably won't happen, but if you really wanna try, then step up.
      Jan 17, 2015
    4. joecobo_
      report more? I can do that >:D
      Jan 17, 2015
    5. Yin
      Jan 17, 2015
    6. joecobo_
      There's 10 pages in the help section @_@. I kinda want to go through and flag all of the ones that need to be archived, but I think that would quality as spamming reports
      Jan 17, 2015