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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jelmer

    1. Yin
      Only 6 months, but yeah, not the greatest anthem, but it's a solid track.
      Jan 15, 2015
    2. Jelmer
      Not the greatest?
      I listend to it intill i didnt like it anymore i was head over heels for that song!
      Jan 15, 2015
    3. Yin
      Hardstyle isn't my thing, more for Hardcore, Industrial Hardcore, Terror, Frenchcore, and all that.
      Jan 15, 2015
    4. Yin
      But I like some raw :)
      Jan 16, 2015
    5. Jelmer
      That kind of music rapes my ears. But then again im no judge.
      Jan 16, 2015
    6. Yin
      Yeah, I understand it isn't for everybody, I question why I'm so into this type of stuff as well.
      Jan 16, 2015
    7. Jelmer
      Meh. I dont really care for what kind of music you listen to in the first place. But if you like it then you like it. Noöne can tell you what to like and not to like so i wont even bother.
      Jan 16, 2015
    8. Yin
      Actually true, nice.
      Jan 16, 2015