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  • Comments on Profile Post by Yin

    1. BlackZone
      Jan 15, 2015
    2. Gokufarts
      don't be they are your parents. ;p
      Jan 15, 2015
    3. Yin
      But this is something I really don't know how they'd react, since it's such a big thing that I've been hiding for so long.
      Jan 15, 2015
    4. 3yerrt
      Don't be. They're your parents and they will love you no matter who or what you are, <3
      Jan 15, 2015
    5. ZeldaNinja
      what are you hiding (or rather what is it related to?)
      Jan 15, 2015
    6. Yin
      The fact I'm bisexual.
      Jan 15, 2015
    7. ZeldaNinja
      well, if they don't know, just be all out honest, there's nothing to be scared of. You will feel So much relief
      Jan 15, 2015
    8. Yin
      True, but my family is just a bunch of homophobes
      Jan 15, 2015
    9. ZeldaNinja
      Like you don't need to blurt out to them out of no where. Keep it calm, and show that your genuine
      Jan 15, 2015
    10. cofrancescodon1
      Honestly, I don't tell my parents anything. Don't feel alone
      Jan 15, 2015
    11. Naga
      May I ask, what are you hiding from your parents? And trust me, it'll be a relief. I've talked to my parents about life, if they've been in the same situation as me and so. I'm yet to tell that I consume nicotine, but everything within time.
      Jan 16, 2015
    12. PandaBear__
      Jan 16, 2015
    13. PandaBear__
      pls les be friends even tho i like doges and u liek cats. pls pls i giv gucci hugs and ull love em ok
      Jan 16, 2015
    14. Yin
      Jan 16, 2015