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  • Comments on Profile Post by Yin

    1. Goku_Rekt_You
      You get what you get and don't make a fit. :3
      Jan 14, 2015
    2. jarroy
      We're basically the same people. Black hair, dark brown eyes.
      Jan 14, 2015
    3. Malc
      im fine with having brown eyes cos yolo
      Jan 14, 2015
    4. SeanDF
      I have black hair and brown eyes as well.
      They're more common.
      Jan 14, 2015
    5. Yin
      That's what makes me disappointed. I don't mind my brown eyes, they're just so dark, I can understand if people think it's just my pupil. I wouldn't mind them a tad brighter, but I don't want them to match my ideal hair (brown)
      Jan 14, 2015
    6. jarroy
      I've always thought of making my hair brown, but a light brown, not dark, and I wish my eyes were brighter too ;p
      Jan 14, 2015
    7. Yin
      Same, I'd love bright brown hair, but a bit away from red, as it kinda gets on the border of that.
      Jan 14, 2015
    8. jarroy
      My mom's hair is like that, which is why I would love to make it that.
      Jan 14, 2015
    9. Yin
      I don't think anybody in my family has the shade I'm looking for, I just hate black.
      Jan 14, 2015