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  • Comments on Profile Post by Zambiana

    1. Spice
      They both big booty bitches.
      Jan 14, 2015
    2. PiLe
      Kim <3
      Jan 14, 2015
    3. Zambiana
      I listen to both, but Kim will always be #1 to me. Her story is so touching and most people don't know the half. Like why she got all her surgery and crap was because her ex beat her and pretty much ed her face up, she needed that or she would have died.
      Jan 14, 2015
    4. Zambiana
      I'm not sure but I like her more because she kept her private life, private and not exploited that for publicity, she got all her publicity with her music and shows, and that's a big plus in my book! Kim is and always will be a legacy.. she did what no one else could and sold it. :D
      Jan 14, 2015
    5. PiLe
      Jan 14, 2015