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  • Comments on Profile Post by The Brand

    1. GizzBots
      This video is not available? Wot?
      Jan 13, 2015
    2. The Brand
      The Brand
      it is.
      Jan 13, 2015
    3. GizzBots
      It says it isn't so good work buddy. The video shows CLEAR hacks, get banned plz.
      Jan 14, 2015
    4. The Brand
      The Brand
      I don't hack!
      It's called skill!
      Jan 14, 2015
    5. The Brand
      The Brand
      Maybe you should get some
      Jan 14, 2015
    6. GizzBots
      You're an idiot. Sorry, but WHO GOT BANNED? LOLOLOL nub
      Jan 15, 2015
    7. The Brand
      The Brand
      You said you would sub to me D: I subbed to you
      Jan 15, 2015