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  • Comments on Profile Post by CreamyTrexFTW

    1. Yin
      No, I can help.
      Jan 11, 2015
    2. CreamyTrexFTW
      sorry I wasn't paying attention um how can I post my proof here? do I just do it like in a report?
      Jan 11, 2015
    3. Yin
      Try uploading proof that you have the rank on another gamemode, and your rank on OP Prison, on imgur
      Jan 11, 2015
    4. CreamyTrexFTW
      its fine I will wait for a mod to come on personally I only want my rank to sell it anyways :p
      macs don't work with imgur.....
      Jan 11, 2015
    5. Yin
      try downloading Gyazo or ShareX then
      Jan 11, 2015