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  • Comments on Profile Post by Bananurz

    1. canucksfan44
      Send an email to [email protected]

      Showing you have lost your rank on OPprison and show them you have titan on other gamemodes
      Jan 1, 2015
    2. Bananurz
      Why do I need to email someone who is going to take 1000 years to reply?
      Jan 1, 2015
    3. canucksfan44
      It's the only way. Sorry :/ us mods can't fix/give others their ranks back since we do not have perms too
      Jan 1, 2015
    4. Bananurz
      Or I could have just replied to the thread made for this, thanks.
      Jan 1, 2015
    5. canucksfan44
      There is a thread? Well that's also going to take awhile. No one will get their ranks back until cyp or crew looks at the thread. Gl though
      Jan 1, 2015