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  • Comments on Profile Post by Skylanderdavid

    1. Ninja
      if you're going to think that, don't post it here. We don't want to see that.
      Jan 1, 2015
    2. ImTopmass
      I used to think like that. Do sports or something that makes you happy.
      Jan 1, 2015
    3. PopIs_MyLife
      lets suicide together yaaaaaaas
      Jan 1, 2015
    4. ImTopmass
      Pops, don't be immature.
      Jan 1, 2015
    5. kitkat6605910
      Pop, grow the hell up.

      But seriously, there's people in this world that care about you. I have had depression, so I kind of know what you're going through. Try to push away all of the negative parts of life, and focus on the positives. There are many people that care about you, including me. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Stay strong. :))
      Jan 2, 2015
    6. Skylanderdavid
      But there is no positive parts of life. Of my life at least.
      Jan 2, 2015
    7. kitkat6605910
      Life gets better.
      Jan 2, 2015