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  • Comments on Profile Post by Yin

    1. Gokufarts
      march??? why not now?? ;-;
      Dec 29, 2014
    2. Yin
      As March would be the 3 year anniversary of 1.2.4, and I wanna act like this would be a commentary from 2012, and slowly progress to the present
      Dec 29, 2014
    3. jedijosiah
      just do from 1.0 or from the alphas and be like suck it cause i'm BOS$
      Dec 29, 2014
    4. 196
      Actually an alpha or beta (or Indev/infdev if you could access those versions, not sure if they're available through launcher) lp-type series would be pretty cool, just as from the standpoint of MC back in like 2010, though idk if the world would be corrupted if you tried to go from alpha to beta or beta to release versions.
      Dec 29, 2014
    5. elrak
      Make a server :O
      Dec 30, 2014
    6. jedijosiah
      you should do what SomeGuy said I believe the laucher has those you could do one version a week :)
      Dec 30, 2014
    7. 196
      Well I'm not sure if you could go through all the secret Friday updates Notch did adding little tiny things on a regular basis back in survival test/Indev/infdev, but it would be cool still
      Dec 30, 2014