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  • Comments on Profile Post by BlueCharmander12

    1. Cha-Ching
      You're eZier
      Dec 28, 2014
    2. BlueCharmander12
      Dec 29, 2014
    3. Cha-Ching
      Dec 29, 2014
    4. nick ok
      nick ok
      This is literally the stupidest argument I've ever seen.
      Jan 31, 2015
    5. BlueCharmander12
      Jan 31, 2015
    6. Cha-Ching
      What's more stupider is that you comment on here about 3-4 weeks later...
      Jan 31, 2015
    7. nick ok
      nick ok
      "more stupider"
      R.I.P. Grammar
      Jan 31, 2015
    8. Cha-Ching
      Yay I made one little grammar mistake ;D and like you're anymore perfect to be correcting people...
      Jan 31, 2015
    9. nick ok
      nick ok
      It gives off a bad first impression
      Jan 31, 2015