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  • Comments on Profile Post by 532

    1. DJdragonfire1
      What sorry I don't know what you mean :/ ???
      Dec 25, 2014
    2. DJdragonfire1
      If your on about all those like I know :/ it was my sister earlier XD ill get her to take them back. I think I had 3 don't worry. Ill make sure it goes back to legit.
      Dec 25, 2014
    3. DJdragonfire1
      There we go I got her to unlike them all XD don worry this account is going to stay legit XD.
      Dec 25, 2014
    4. 532
      oh it's ok xD sorry for the troubles, You seem like you could be an mod :P
      Dec 25, 2014
    5. DJdragonfire1
      Thanks I really appreciate it when people say stuff like that :) Thank You.
      Dec 25, 2014