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  • Comments on Profile Post by wrestat

    1. Gokufarts
      don't worry you will see them someday. besides be happy of with the family you see right now :)
      Dec 24, 2014
    2. wrestat
      yeah I get to see them in a month but it still sucks to spend the holidays alone
      Dec 24, 2014
    3. Gokufarts
      :( that sucks I cant imagine what it feels like. maybe go see you're neighbors and talk to them on xmas.
      Dec 24, 2014
    4. wrestat
      lol I might just do that. im gonna be on here for a while though. im hop to catch noob or Cyp online before long and fix something I did. so I cant really go anywhere in case I miss them.
      Dec 24, 2014
    5. Gokufarts
      you will get through this. just imagine what It will feel like to see them again and how exiting it will be!!
      Dec 24, 2014