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  • Comments on Profile Post by CypriotSmasher

    1. 3yerrt
      Dude, don't be s butthurt. Just because I banned you.
      Dec 23, 2014
    2. 3yerrt
      Get over it. You can appeal again in 1 week
      Dec 23, 2014
    3. CypriotSmasher
      The reasons you gave me though, "Banned from sky block for
      disrespect" did you realise I'm not supposed to be banned, then you said I got warned for harassment, which didn't even have anything to do with me "hacking" wand it wasn't even harassment clearly someone just trying to get me banned for a stupid reason.
      Dec 23, 2014
    4. 3yerrt
      And by that you're suggestion I'm trying to get you banned.... I've been a mod for 2 days, I'm not trying to get anyone banned. I don't know why I would.
      Dec 23, 2014
    5. kitkat6605910
      He is still learning. :)
      Dec 23, 2014