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  • Comments on Profile Post by FaZe Dox

    1. djryan
      Dec 23, 2014
    2. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      Im serious i had to plug in my back up router..
      Dec 23, 2014
    3. Confused
      You should have taken a picture :P
      Dec 23, 2014
    4. Puri~
      Pics or it didn't happen
      Dec 23, 2014
    5. Confused
      *Rates winner*
      Dec 23, 2014
    6. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      ill have pics later today C;
      Dec 23, 2014
    7. Pienis
      Tell me why you betrayed my trust or your back up one will have equal consequences.
      Dec 24, 2014
    8. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      may i ask who this is?
      Dec 24, 2014
    9. Pienis
      Go to my profile page and look at my picture.
      Dec 24, 2014
    10. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      Dec 24, 2014
    11. Pienis
      Go to my profile page, look at the profile picture, look at the top right.
      Dec 24, 2014
    12. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      Oh god. its its... the duck
      Dec 24, 2014
    13. Pienis
      The duck that you betrayed, I wouldn't be surprised if bad things happened to you.
      Dec 24, 2014
    14. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      is this about your e grinder.
      Dec 24, 2014
    15. Pienis
      No, I couldn't care less about that. It's about the trust that I gave you to come into the HouseofLegends and you lost Flyn and R3Ds vault for them.
      Dec 24, 2014
    16. FaZe Dox
      FaZe Dox
      Dec 24, 2014