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  • Comments on Profile Post by Yin

    1. nick ok
      nick ok
      I can't accept dis
      Dec 22, 2014
    2. nick ok
      nick ok
      No cat :t
      Dec 22, 2014
    3. Yin
      cats aren't inspirational, just adorable.

      lettuce on the other hand...
      Dec 22, 2014
    4. nick ok
      nick ok
      Is food
      Dec 22, 2014
    5. Yin
      and it's inspirational. This little piece of lettuce could move a generation.
      Dec 22, 2014
    6. nick ok
      nick ok
      I never thought you would replace the cat.
      *cry* *cry*
      Dec 22, 2014
    7. Yin
      cats are still great, and I still use cats for my sig ;-;
      Dec 22, 2014
    8. nick ok
      nick ok
      Dec 22, 2014