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  • Comments on Profile Post by onesquad

    1. ScoFu13
      Ewwwww Apple. :p
      Dec 20, 2014
    2. onesquad
      XD, Ima get it for christmas I have no apple incept a Laptop :P
      Dec 20, 2014
    3. SeanDF
      Dec 20, 2014
    4. ScoFu13
      I'm happy that you are getting cool stuff, that's awesome :)

      I am just not an Apple fan :)
      Dec 20, 2014
    5. SeanDF
      Glorious PC master race, right, Bane?
      When you leave Apple, then you have my permission to go PC.
      Dec 20, 2014
    6. ScoFu13
      AHEM... when you join pc........ Apple has my permission to die :3
      Dec 20, 2014
    7. Ninja
      I prefer PC for my main everyday computer. Apple does make quality products, just I do not like using a Mac. I couldn't live without my iPhone tho.
      Dec 20, 2014
    8. BO$$
      Apple can be exensive. However PC's are far more susceptible to things such as viruses, trojans ect. Also if custom made ( Which is the way 2 go BTW ) PC's can crash quite frequently if not done correctly. Still…. PC's are great for gaming, Adobe, Photoshop and so on.
      Dec 20, 2014