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  • Comments on Profile Post by Winning54321

    1. VaMeSa123
      I did unban you. You are ban glitch. I cannot be in game ATM. Please ask other mods. Sorry bud.
      Dec 20, 2014
    2. Winning54321
      i dont knoa how to ask other mods who should i ask can you help me out here
      Dec 20, 2014
    3. Winning54321
      Dec 20, 2014
    4. VaMeSa123
      Tell them that you are ban glitch, and sent them your accepted appeal.
      Dec 20, 2014
    5. Winning54321
      i dont know how
      Dec 20, 2014
    6. Winning54321
      why cant you just do it
      Dec 20, 2014
    7. Winning54321
      im starting to get very annoyed about this considering how unfair this is
      Dec 20, 2014
    8. Winning54321
      i really don't appreciate this
      Dec 20, 2014
    9. VaMeSa123
      Really? I have a life too. I got a job, family and friends to spent time with. If I want to take 3 months off watching TV with my family, then so be it. It's fair, if you hate being ban, don't break the rules then. It's not my fault that there's a ban glitch. I don't appreciate you spamming my profile.
      Dec 20, 2014
    10. Winning54321
      im not spaming and im sopposed to be unbanned so this is sort of an issue and your telling me to fix it when i cannot
      Dec 20, 2014
    11. Winning54321
      and a mod just told me that there is no such thing as a ban glitch and that either you dont want me unbanned or you dont know how to unban
      Dec 20, 2014
    12. Winning54321
      and if thats the case all you have to do is get on and do /unban Winning54321
      Dec 20, 2014
    13. Winning54321
      AND you said this could be fixed and i have no idea how you are sopposed to fix this and you are refusing to help and telling me to ask someone else which leads me to believe you are trying to keep me unbanned
      Dec 20, 2014
    14. VaMeSa123
      Dec 20, 2014
    15. Winning54321
      i was told not to say who
      Dec 20, 2014
    16. VaMeSa123
      Then read the thread.
      Dec 20, 2014
    17. Winning54321
      what thread?
      Dec 20, 2014
    18. Winning54321
      can you please help me
      i will be up all night to help you i love infection and i have been waiting ti get on for the last week just please help me
      Dec 20, 2014
    19. Winning54321
      *up all night for you to help me
      Dec 20, 2014