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  • Comments on Profile Post by RachetSenpai

    1. amy // madnessgirl
      Dec 19, 2014
    2. RachetSenpai
      You didn't read it
      Dec 19, 2014
    3. Zulfqar
      I read it.
      Dec 19, 2014
    4. HackMaster
    5. RachetSenpai
      You didn't read it because you posted here, you weren't meant to read anything as I didn't say anything. ;>
      Dec 19, 2014
    6. HackMaster
      Dec 19, 2014
    7. RachetSenpai
      Dec 19, 2014
    8. HackMaster
      I read the part where it said: (45 minutes ago.)
      Dec 19, 2014
    9. RachetSenpai
      Dec 19, 2014