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  • Comments on Profile Post by mind_trap

    1. KatoKillsMyGPA
      Can you possibly take a screenshot of the message it gives you? I'd imagine it is either you are posting in the wrong area, or a mix up with forum perms for users.
      Dec 18, 2014
    2. mind_trap
      Thanks for your reply, it turns out that I wasn't navigating to the right folder, I was stopping in the report thread without pressing the 'report a player' button that is on top.
      Dec 18, 2014
    3. KatoKillsMyGPA
      Ah yeah that is generally the issue that some people have. A common occurance if you aren't fully used to our forums. Glad you could solve it. :)
      Dec 18, 2014
    4. CypriotSmasher
      Reported me. gg
      Dec 21, 2014