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  • Comments on Profile Post by Ace Auditore Imperial

    1. MurcielagoSky
      Ddosing is when multiple people are sending packets to a server. Dosing is when a single person does it.
      Apr 4, 2014
    2. MurcielagoSky
      Actually I'm not wrong. Dosing is when packets are sent from a single computer. Ddosing is sent from multiple computers.
      Apr 5, 2014
    3. MurcielagoSky
      How would you define Dosing daddy?
      Apr 5, 2014
    4. MurcielagoSky
      Stressing an IP address doesn't come at a cost. Some websites well stress an IP address at 3000mbs for as little as 25 dollars. Do some more research daddy.
      Apr 5, 2014
    5. MurcielagoSky
      I thought you had more to say Daddy. Thank god you are no longer staff. You might lose your temper since I burned you so hard.
      Apr 5, 2014
    6. MurcielagoSky
      If I didn't burn you why have not defined Dosing for me yet. Please enlighten me on the subject.
      Apr 5, 2014
    7. MurcielagoSky
      Daddy you always were rude and obnoxious. Makes me wonder how you got staff anyway.
      Apr 5, 2014
    8. Ace Auditore Imperial
      Ace Auditore Imperial
      DaddyHF/Pugbrook I said they wanted to i didnt say they will -_-
      Apr 5, 2014
    9. MurcielagoSky
      Ace, I had to continue commenting. Daddy had to be put under control.
      Apr 5, 2014
    10. Ace Auditore Imperial
      Ace Auditore Imperial
      No problem I understand
      Apr 5, 2014
    11. MurcielagoSky
      DaddyHF deleted his comments. Now that, is funny. *Claps*
      Apr 5, 2014