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  • Comments on Profile Post by Skylanderdavid

    1. Ninja
      what happened?
      Dec 18, 2014
    2. Skylanderdavid
      Go, she's never mine because of my stupid mistake.
      Dec 18, 2014
    3. ImTopmass
      Jane and Rutherford.. hmm 30 minutes away from my house. ok. Seem legit. Do you go to Bill Crothers?
      Dec 18, 2014
    4. Skylanderdavid
      Ninja, we had our school dance tomorrow yet I had so many perfect chances to ask her, Yet i was too nervous.
      Dec 18, 2014
    5. Skylanderdavid
      No I don't topmass
      Dec 18, 2014
    6. ImTopmass
      Ok, one tip, just suck it up and talk to her. I talk to lots of girls, even the ones that hate me. I asked out a few.
      Dec 18, 2014
    7. Skylanderdavid
      Dec 18, 2014
    8. Freckle
      Any time a nervous situation comes your way just think, if I don't then I will regret it. Say that to yourself right before you ask a girl out or skydive idk xD
      Dec 18, 2014
    9. illuminati queen
      illuminati queen
      if no one has asked her yet ask her then. she will be flattered and most likely say yes. but ...how would i know? I'm a boy. bye.
      Dec 18, 2014
    10. OnionOG
      Step 1. Buy a horsie
      Step 2. Ride that s*** straight up to her
      Step 3. Ask her to the dance.
      Step.4 Win game.
      Dec 18, 2014
    11. Skylanderdavid
      Onion is always the smoothest person I know. ._.
      Dec 18, 2014
    12. OnionOG
      Dec 18, 2014
    13. ShonalFromRaxs
      Dec 18, 2014