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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jen

    1. PiLe
      The first couple weeks are the hardest. They'll chill out after that. Hold your weight. Ignore the hate. I don't feed the trolls. It's best to just ignore it. People are going to be happy, and some people are going to be upset.
      Just have to brush it off sweetie.
      Dec 17, 2014
    2. Jen
      Ya, I understand, I've been mod on another server with about 800+ daily. People were all like, "Who's this dumbass" and all that. I'm use to it. Thanks for looking out for me c:
      Dec 17, 2014
    3. PiLe
      Anytime. <3
      Dec 17, 2014
    4. CypriotSmasher
      Damn.. well said Pile.. :)
      Dec 17, 2014