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  • Comments on Profile Post by YoungAndDumb

    1. D1amondF1nder11
      Dec 16, 2014
    2. YoungAndDumb
      math exam today
      Dec 16, 2014
    3. D1amondF1nder11
      Are you good at math?
      Dec 16, 2014
    4. YoungAndDumb
      yeah im one of the best in my class. 96 average
      Dec 16, 2014
    5. D1amondF1nder11
      Ha I got a. 98.2% in advance math
      but a B in advance rdg
      Dec 16, 2014
    6. YoungAndDumb
      Dec 16, 2014
    7. YoungAndDumb
      the thing is that I go to a college prep school so they make it harder for us so we are ready for college
      Dec 16, 2014
    8. D1amondF1nder11
      Oh yea I heard of that were you can do collage in highbschool so you don't have to do as much in real collage
      Dec 16, 2014
    9. YoungAndDumb
      Dec 16, 2014
    10. D1amondF1nder11
      U in 11th grade?
      Dec 16, 2014
    11. YoungAndDumb
      Dec 16, 2014