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  • Comments on Profile Post by GizzBots

    1. GizzBots
      P.S. I don't see why you had to be so rude in the post. I just read it over, and dayum. You didn't read who I was directing parts of that post to.. Idc, I don't even know you. Judge me, again, idc.
      Dec 10, 2014
    2. Xelnagahunter
      I'm rude because I'm honest. I don't care what age our staff is, they have lives and people who are a million times more important than the users of MV. Don't like my honesty, go complain to someone who will lie to and coddle you. That's not what I'm here for. Also, I loked the thread at YOUR request. Get over it.
      Dec 10, 2014
    3. ScoFu13
      Dec 10, 2014
    4. Lola Perez
      Dec 10, 2014
    5. kitkat6605910
      Dec 10, 2014
    6. Xelnagahunter
      My apologies, Glitcher requested the thread locked, not you. I misinformed myself. REgardless, the thread was requested locked, so I did just that. Bringing it to my profile wasn't the best way to end the scenario as a PM would have sufficed, but now you can live with your own public humiliation by the 69 people who follow my profile.
      Dec 10, 2014
    7. GizzBots
      Good thing I don't care what people think. If mods don't want to hear others opinions on what we think of the mods, then why do they view threads like them? And btw, it's quite easy to be honest and not be rude. I'm an honest person also, but heeeesh you don't give a crap about the players clearly.
      Dec 11, 2014
    8. GizzBots
      I know they have lives, but if their lives are going to interfere THAT much, INFORM the community. Or, resign. It isn't hard. I've been mod on 2 servers I've had to resign on due to IRL issues, and that is what should be done.
      Dec 11, 2014
    9. GizzBots
      Also, it was a public thread. I enjoy ending things, and this way people can comment if they really want. Even still, I don't understand that if a mod is going to be inactive, why don't they resign? It is much easier for the community, or they could atleast finish off all reports/ban appeals necessary, then make a post in discussion about it so the community are informed.
      Dec 11, 2014
    10. Xelnagahunter
      I care about the players to the extent of what is required of me as a staff member. I'm rude on this account because the honesty requires it considering you don't seem to care about the personal lives of the people trying to help you.
      Dec 11, 2014
    11. Xelnagahunter
      IT was a public thread, and the creator wished it closed, so I did just that, it's not my fault you decided to come at me on my profile and make a fool of yourself, many people look up to and respect what I have to say, regardless of how "rude" it may come across. At least I know I'm being rude and not ignorantly passing it off.
      Dec 11, 2014
    12. GizzBots
      Dec 11, 2014