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  • Comments on Profile Post by Nightfire88539

    1. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Dec 10, 2014
    2. Nightfire88539
      :O Can i ask you a question ? Well I need to determine which website does Cyp choose for top voter ?
      Dec 10, 2014
    3. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      I think you mean vote.mv something like that :P
      Dec 10, 2014
    4. Nightfire88539
      A another mod told me something else that when you vote it shows the chart
      Dec 10, 2014
    5. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Yes that one.
      Dec 10, 2014
    6. Nightfire88539
      It's not vote mv.com isthat when you vote is shows a list ?
      Dec 10, 2014
    7. VaMeSa123
      Lola you are sexy, stop denying it. Nub
      Dec 10, 2014
    8. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Thanks bby
      Dec 10, 2014