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  • Comments on Profile Post by iGlitcher

    1. CypriotMerks
      Forgot to edit the amount of trophy points you need for Well-Known member it was on 45 trophies. I changed it to 180 now.
      Dec 7, 2014
    2. PopIs_MyLife
      Maybe make Active member obtainable with 60 trophy potins? Like on Skyblock?
      Dec 7, 2014
    3. AliveNigguh
      Maybe just put it back to how it was...
      Dec 7, 2014
    4. CypriotMerks
      No. Just earn the new trophy points I added and you'll get it back in no time, you've already completed the hard challenges..
      Dec 7, 2014
    5. AliveNigguh
      Dec 7, 2014
    6. CypriotMerks
      "k." You seem mad.
      Dec 7, 2014
    7. AliveNigguh
      I am.....
      because I'm a new member.
      Dec 7, 2014
    8. CypriotMerks
      No you're not. You have another account on the forums called "CypriotSmasher" and from the recent postings I've seen you quit Mineverse? Why the new account?
      Dec 7, 2014
    9. AliveNigguh
      Because I was getting cyber bullied from others.
      Dec 7, 2014
    10. CypriotMerks
      Report them on the forums and it'll be dealt with by one of my moderators.
      Dec 7, 2014
    11. iGlitcher
      Cyp. Im active member again :( can u make it 120? I got 1000 posts trying to get well known.. :(
      Dec 7, 2014
    12. Topmass
      Or your elfs?
      Dec 7, 2014
    13. jarroy
      Cyberbullying smasher? Really? ... You are also cyberbullying others, but gl with your new account.
      Dec 7, 2014