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  • Comments on Profile Post by Nightfire88539

    1. ColtonGibbsWall
      Lol... I'll say this close to LA, Southern California...
      Dec 8, 2014
    2. Nightfire88539
      :O Me to
      Dec 8, 2014
    3. nick ok
      nick ok
      Me too! :DD
      Dec 8, 2014
    4. Nightfire88539
      Dec 8, 2014
    5. nick ok
      nick ok
      ermegerd!! :D
      Dec 8, 2014
    6. Nightfire88539
      Shock What are though hmm
      Dec 8, 2014
    7. nick ok
      nick ok
      "What are though"
      I don't even.
      Like bro.
      What do you mean?
      Dec 8, 2014
    8. Nightfire88539
      I mean Like what school is near you ?
      Dec 8, 2014
    9. nick ok
      nick ok
      Village, Pali, and I forgot the others.
      Dec 8, 2014
    10. jarroy
      Pasadena :>
      Dec 11, 2014
    11. nick ok
      nick ok
      @Nightfire88539 what schools are near you?
      Mar 18, 2015
    12. Nightfire88539
      Mar 27, 2015
    13. ColtonGibbsWall
      I live in Orange County :P.
      Apr 1, 2015