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  • Comments on Profile Post by SlowPot

    1. vJigglez
      hahah bro this was a false report I wont be banned for long mate this Is all unfair so don't you think that. Im coming!!
      Dec 5, 2014
    2. SlowPot
      Thats funny QuickFlame Know that there was clear evendence in the video and it was hacking involved and i know you cannot not decline that video. I'm suggesting just give up man you did rong pay the punishment and deal with it ! maybe in some years later you might get unbanned but ScoFu13 said that was your final chance and you have Blown IT
      Dec 5, 2014
    3. vJigglez
      Its just because its yourvidoe I bet you your sitting there laughing because u know I wasn't hacking LOL kid im getting unbanned quickflame is a new mod he will learn by his mistake and this is one of them
      Dec 5, 2014
    4. SlowPot
      U'mm he actually knows that it was not a mistake i know it was not too. I'm here laughing that you got banned. when ScoFu13 said FINAL Chance... so you blown it
      Dec 5, 2014
    5. vJigglez
      Anyway that video is like 3 weeks old AND this isn't my last chance because we both know I don't hack and im justbetter then most people LIKE YOU
      Dec 5, 2014
    6. vJigglez
      Bro you mate im unbanned HAHHAHA NUB
      Dec 7, 2014