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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kymonlyte

    1. xXx_tina_xXx
      iQuit mv '& Mc Daaa Too Mucch Fucckinn drama xD . People Cuttinn Because of Mv ._. Daaa Fuuuckk .?! ;D Childishhh Too Make Funn Of People Becauusee Youu Don't Eveen Knoow Waaht Deey Wentt Through in Real Lifee . Alll Emmm Fucckinn People Cuttin Because of that iWoulld Get Helpp . '& Iff Someonee Saidd Deey Cuttin Don't Jusst Laugh Nigaah Goo '& Tell ann Adultt .
      Dec 30, 2014
    2. xXx_tina_xXx
      iSweaarr Ever Sincee Daaa One Daay My Besst Friennd Startedd Cuttin iWeent Off on Anyonne Makinng Funn Of Sommeonne . iDontt Think People Aree Takiinng Thiss t Serious . ;D ***Laugghhinnn*** Wonderr If Daa Personn Youu Bee Making Funn Of Orr Pickinng onn Emm Might kill emm Self .
      Dec 30, 2014
    3. xXx_tina_xXx
      One Daay Becausee Youur Ratcheet Sellf Toldd Emm Too Kill Emm Self Damnn iWoulld Feel Sorry Foor Youu Becausee Its in Youur Headd . Not Mine . im Donee W/;; it All Lmaoo if Youu Waannaa Talkk Of Sommethinn Goo On Myy Kik Orr Ig Becauusee Mc is Fucckinn Cyberr Bullinn . iHopeee All Youu People onn Mv Get this !
      Dec 30, 2014
    4. xXx_tina_xXx
      Dont Be the Bad Guy In This Story Bee Daa One Who Stands up '& Fights forr anotherr friend . if Youu Died X.X iWoulldn't Bee Att Youur Furnual . iWill Bee Finndinng Daa MothhaFuckka Whoo Killed Youu . D:< iDonnt Playy When its Too Friends '& Famillyy . ....
      Dec 30, 2014
    5. xXx_tina_xXx
      All im Saayinng People Need Stawwph All THiss Bull . its Getting Old '& People DIeinn Because off Thiss ._. Gooo Tell an Adult Waahtt Too Doo . Likee iDidd iUsedd too CUt MyySelff Because off My Drama Att School Butt iToldd My Mom Shee Took Caree of it ._. Neverr Feel like Telling the Truth is a Bad thing
      Dec 30, 2014
    6. xXx_tina_xXx
      Yaa Youu Might Get inTrouble or Hurt But Deey Will Be Thankfull Forr Youu Being Honestt .
      Okaayy iLoveeYouu Killerr :* Byee Weirddo iWill Miss Youuur Annyoinng :) Byee !
      Kik Meeeh ://// Christinaa.Xox
      Instagraamm:///// Christinaa.Xox
      Dec 30, 2014
    7. Kymonlyte
      Jan 2, 2015
    8. BabyTheBae
      Mar 11, 2015