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  • Comments on Profile Post by legends152

    1. Ninja
      Shut the f**k up, kid. You're the immature one.
      Nov 25, 2014
    2. legends152
      Don't swear, If you keep disliking my things, I'll keep disliking yours, you can't fight fire with fire.
      Nov 25, 2014
    3. Ninja
      Don't tell me or anyone what to do. You think you are the authority of this server and you are not.
      Nov 25, 2014
    4. Spice
      >jerk makes comment about maturity
      >then makes immature comment about fighting fire with fire
      Seems legit.

      Legends, don't be rude, and don't dig holes for yourself. Going down is easier than coming up.
      Nov 26, 2014
    5. legends152
      MrParkourGuy, we have been negatively rating each others comments, both of us, we are both in the wrong and we are currently talking about this.
      Nov 26, 2014
    6. Spice
      You both appear to be insulting each other.
      Nov 26, 2014
    7. legends152
      We are sorting this out.
      Nov 26, 2014
    8. djryan
      Does not seem that way...
      Nov 26, 2014
    9. legends152
      shush up
      Nov 26, 2014