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  • Comments on Profile Post by _T_E_T_R_I_X_

    1. iGlitcher
      Don't complain, just appeal and in the appeal ask her to rewatch the video if she made a mistake, you don't have to get up in her face about it.. Mods make mistakes sometimes.
      Nov 25, 2014
    2. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      I didn't made a mistake, I'm 100% sure and all the staff agrees that you hacked in the video. I've watched it a few times now.
      Nov 25, 2014
    3. iGlitcher
      Then you need to appeal TETRIX, I'm not going to argue with lola on this, if she says you hacked, you hacked, just appeal...
      Nov 25, 2014
    4. _T_E_T_R_I_X_
      Whos all the staff? names Please
      Nov 25, 2014
    5. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      All the staff on mineverse. MaxNinja, Vam, Panda, Chloyy, canucks, hyperpigman, rachet, etc.
      Nov 25, 2014
    6. _T_E_T_R_I_X_
      And every1 said I hacked? "all the staff" did? I dought it
      Nov 25, 2014
    7. Lola Perez
      Nov 25, 2014
    8. iGlitcher
      If its hard to tell more mods view it and say what they saw.
      Nov 25, 2014