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  • Comments on Profile Post by BlueL1ghtn1ng

    1. nick ok
      nick ok
      Baby dont hurt me, don't hurt me, no more...
      Nov 23, 2014
    2. RachetSenpai
      Nov 23, 2014
    3. BlueL1ghtn1ng
      No. Love is pain when too early.
      Love is your demise.
      Love attracts s all over in 6th grade
      I cri everytiem
      Nov 23, 2014
    4. RachetSenpai
      Nov 23, 2014
    5. nick ok
      nick ok
      dat 6th grade year... Brutal
      Nov 23, 2014
    6. BlueL1ghtn1ng
      Yea first crush and everyone in your class be like dipshits
      I hated dat year -_-
      Nov 23, 2014
    7. nick ok
      nick ok
      People still bother me about my kindergarten year...

      About that time I kisses that girl...

      Nov 23, 2014
    8. nick ok
      nick ok
      Nov 23, 2014
    9. RachetSenpai
      Nov 23, 2014
    10. BlueL1ghtn1ng
      Lol I remember my friend doin that, people are still s about what he did even though it was nearly a decade ago
      Nov 23, 2014
    11. RachetSenpai
      They love bringing up the past.
      Nov 23, 2014
    12. nick ok
      nick ok
      People in my class are s also, they still bother me about those years.
      Nov 23, 2014
    13. BlueL1ghtn1ng
      If you've been to my school, you think I'm crazy but it's just bandwagon effect plus internal forces and all that crazy stuff. The truth is, the grade 5 are stereo type dumbasses, grade 6 wanna be gangstas, g7 just got peeps who just plain wrong. I don't even need to talk about the highschool's math grades or the fraternity hazing deaths.
      Nov 23, 2014
    14. nick ok
      nick ok
      ... My science teacher has a fish tank in this lab. One day we walked in and one the the fish had died. ;-;
      Nov 23, 2014
    15. BlueL1ghtn1ng
      Our teachers dont have much integrity, one time my friends teacher said he didn't have baseball, the next day he got in trouble for not going.
      Nov 23, 2014
    16. RachetSenpai
      I could imagine.
      Nov 23, 2014
    17. BlueL1ghtn1ng
      Imagine my everyday life, what do you see?
      Nov 23, 2014