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  • Comments on Profile Post by beezowdoodoo

    1. Yin
      Sorry, I don't have access to /kill

      As for the message situation, mind explaining more thoroughly?
      Mar 25, 2014
    2. beezowdoodoo
      Lol. Don't ask. I pretty went into one of the glass places and now i'm falling and falling over and over and I can't move. Yes i've tried tons of things, Restarting mc, Restarting my computer, getting kicked, using a different computer, And more but The only way I can get out of it that I can think of that I haven't done yet is either the /kill command or having the glass block underneath me broken.
      Mar 25, 2014
    3. beezowdoodoo
      So i'm pretty much screwed unless a Staff member helps me...
      Mar 25, 2014
    4. beezowdoodoo
      Thanks for your help anyways though.
      Mar 25, 2014
    5. Yin
      I suggest speaking to an admin (Cyp, preferably), and explaining the situation Via PM
      Mar 25, 2014
    6. beezowdoodoo
      Well do you mind messaging him for me and telling him I posted something on the Help page thingy and ask i'm if he can help cause my message thing doesn't work for me for some reason so do you think you could do that??? I'm also leaving right now so wont be able to do it so if you could do that it would be amazing! Thanks -Beezowdoodoo
      Mar 25, 2014
    7. beezowdoodoo
      You can tell him to either /kill my player or break the block on the glass place by the parkour course I
      Mar 25, 2014
    8. Yin
      Or I can ask him to TP you to spawn point.

      Anyway, I'll contact him.
      Mar 25, 2014
    9. beezowdoodoo
      No i'm able to go to spawn. NO matter what place I go to I still can't move on Parkour. So I can be Tped to spawn but it wouldn't do any good if I went back to Parkour cause It will still happen (Btw I can still mvoe my mouse on Parkour just not my body) so can you just tell him to make it so that i'm either dead or moved to another spot so that it wont keep happening. Thanks
      Mar 25, 2014
    10. Yin
      Mar 25, 2014
    11. beezowdoodoo
      Or you could also tell him to break the glass part thats next to I that would work too
      Mar 25, 2014
    12. Yin
      Mar 25, 2014
    13. beezowdoodoo
      K G2G now. Bye. Thank you for everthing.
      Mar 25, 2014
    14. beezowdoodoo
      Nvmind you don't have to do anything! It was fixed somehow. I was suddenly just falling and I died. Thanks for your help anyways!
      Mar 25, 2014
    15. Yin
      Mar 25, 2014
    16. Cristopher
      Same thing happened to me pile can help just ask for a tp to spawn
      Apr 20, 2014