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  • Comments on Profile Post by Nightfire88539

    1. Lola Perez
      Nov 20, 2014
    2. Nightfire88539
      Nov 20, 2014
    3. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      On kitpvp. I'm going off in a minute.
      Nov 20, 2014
    4. Nightfire88539
      Nice :D
      Nov 20, 2014
    5. Nightfire88539
      Lola about the rule of the eggs in infection what is it ?
      Nov 20, 2014
    6. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      You can't suicide to get another bow or an egg. You have to wait till you die to get another one. I don't know the punishment though.
      Nov 20, 2014
    7. Nightfire88539
      What happens if you earn the eggs can u use more than one ?
      Nov 20, 2014
    8. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      You earn 1 egg after you die, so the rule says you can't do /suicide for it. You have to die to get another one.
      Nov 20, 2014
    9. Nightfire88539
      If you earn the eggs by killling you can only use one ?
      Nov 20, 2014
    10. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      You can use them all.
      Nov 21, 2014
    11. Nightfire88539
      Nov 21, 2014