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  • Comments on Profile Post by TrippyMint(Imp)

    1. Kubasliz ®
      Kubasliz ®
      a word
      Nov 18, 2014
    2. TrippyMint(Imp)
      Kid get a life
      Nov 18, 2014
    3. TrippyMint(Imp)
      wanna be banned again kuba?
      Nov 18, 2014
    4. Kubasliz ®
      Kubasliz ®
      Fam your the banned one xD
      Nov 18, 2014
    5. TrippyMint(Imp)
      I have evidence of you duplicating :)
      Nov 18, 2014
    6. Kubasliz ®
      Kubasliz ®
      And your the one that needs a life moaning about people who build xD
      Nov 18, 2014
    7. Kubasliz ®
      Kubasliz ®
      I don't know how to duplicate mate xD
      Nov 18, 2014
    8. TrippyMint(Imp)
      Did I forget to tell you its illegal? oops my mistake
      Nov 18, 2014
    9. Kubasliz ®
      Kubasliz ®
      Fam I don't know how to duplicate so aww how sad.
      Nov 18, 2014
    10. TrippyMint(Imp)
      Oh so this screen shot I have... it must not be of you pushing a mine cart and chest into a nether portal right?
      Nov 18, 2014
    11. Kubasliz ®
      Kubasliz ®
      hmm yea interesting because my mouse was not working so how could I possibly do that :)
      Nov 18, 2014
    12. TrippyMint(Imp)
      Don't believe me? oh that's fine I will just report you then
      Nov 18, 2014
    13. Kubasliz ®
      Kubasliz ®
      ok do what you want.
      Nov 18, 2014
    14. loopy444
      Dude I think your unbanned.....
      Nov 19, 2014
    15. TrippyMint(Imp)
      no im not :/ pop didn't even look at it again after he said some things so...
      Nov 19, 2014