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  • Comments on Profile Post by Malc

    1. Spice
      No lol
      Nov 17, 2014
    2. Malc
      k then open it pl0000x. <3
      Nov 17, 2014
    3. VaMeSa123
      According to my past knowledge he cannot. However I will check with scofu.
      Nov 17, 2014
    4. Spice
      Scofu is away training for our country

      I've been told over the course of my excessive amount of false reports I am not allowed to close, archive, or delete a report made against me.
      I'm assuming that hasn't changed due to it being a good rule
      Nov 17, 2014
    5. VaMeSa123
      Yea. I understand where scofu is. He told us that we can ask him questions on skype. I reopen the reprot. :)
      Nov 17, 2014
    6. Malc
      thankssss <33
      Nov 17, 2014