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  • Comments on Profile Post by Rainbow Dash

    1. Krishy10
      Nov 23, 2014
    2. Rainbow Dash
      Rainbow Dash
      Yes i killed you twice in a 1vs1 and got your named sword to
      Nov 23, 2014
    3. Rainbow Dash
      Rainbow Dash
      btw read the date stupid
      Nov 23, 2014
    4. Krishy10
      LOL!! you dont have my named sword kiddo its in my enderchest <33 Keep dreaming
      Nov 24, 2014
    5. Rainbow Dash
      Rainbow Dash
      i killed you twice the first time i got your named sword 2 time i got an un named sword cause your so crappy
      Nov 24, 2014
    6. Krishy10
      xD Unamed? I named 1 sword the rest are worthless Sharp v's I dont waste money and levels naming all my swords Your Swords are Crap Its just reg Sharp v and you name it It needs to have better enchants as well so dont talk Butthurt kid.
      Nov 25, 2014