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  • Comments on Profile Post by Micro_R3D

    1. Spice
      She did a good thing.
      Mar 22, 2014
    2. Spice
      I don't know about you, but I don't want a ton of hackers running around and making people angry. I'm sure you were like "I hate hackers" at one point as well. Reporting is the way we avert that image of lots of hackers, and it works well.
      Mar 22, 2014
    3. MissPVP
      im a sociopath

      what are feelings
      Mar 22, 2014
    4. Spice
      I think feelings are when someone dies and other people start sweating from their eyes
      Mar 22, 2014
    5. ReeseSW
      LOL mpg
      Apr 26, 2014