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  • Comments on Profile Post by GizzBots

    1. Scorv
      How much money do you have on OPfacs?
      Nov 14, 2014
    2. GizzBots
      Well how much for your 1.4k? :P
      Nov 14, 2014
    3. GizzBots
      Nov 14, 2014
    4. Scorv
      1.5 mil for 1.5 k
      Nov 14, 2014
    5. GizzBots
      Uh nty. You basically offered 1.5k on kit to Caff for 130k on opfac and some other bad stuff. I'd do like.. 400k
      Nov 14, 2014
    6. Scorv
      Well I wasn't actually going to trade him that exact amount, it was just to gain his interest. And I value my kit pvp money because I've been saving it up for half a year. But I understand why you won't do the deal. Been nice talking to you. :D
      Nov 15, 2014
    7. GizzBots
      1.5k in half a year? I got 20k in about... Let's say 2-3 months :P
      I'd be willing to goto 500k
      Nov 15, 2014
    8. Scorv
      Ya I know, don't know why I don't have more 8( And I'll think about it. Get back to you in two days at the most
      Nov 15, 2014
    9. GizzBots
      Ok. Well, according to votes(I just realised), $100 is about 40k. So, 600k is about what it's worth. I'll do 600k.
      Nov 15, 2014