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  • Comments on Profile Post by UncleUrnesto

    1. Dontchallengeme
      I guess so. xD!
      This will be fun - I'm going to get rich.
      Oct 31, 2014
    2. Dontchallengeme
    3. UncleUrnesto
      Oct 31, 2014
    4. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Um guys that was not auction scamming.... He made the decision to bid. Plus brazil payed him the money.
      Oct 31, 2014
    5. UncleUrnesto
      The question is, is auction scamming allowed.
      Oct 31, 2014
    6. ChloyyBear
      That's not auction scamming.
      Oct 31, 2014
    7. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Auction scamming is not allowed. But that was not auction scamming.
      Oct 31, 2014
    8. UncleUrnesto
      Oct 31, 2014
    9. Dontchallengeme
      That is 100% auc scamming, that is the definition of auc scamming.. lol there's no doubt about that. He paid me AFTER i reported him ,to make it look like he was innocent. but it's cool. I'll use this in defense if there's a report against me.. lol
      Oct 31, 2014
    10. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Dontchallengeme, this is not auction scamming. Auction scamming is when a player names for example a stick an "egg". On this report, brazil bids 50k and you decided to bid. It was your decision to bid and it's not brazil's fault.
      Oct 31, 2014
    11. Dontchallengeme
      So , his actions are allowed ? Correct, bidding way too much at the very end in order to get other players to do /bid to automatically outbid the player before them , so they're paying an absurd amount of money , for such a simple item allowed?
      Oct 31, 2014
    12. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      As I said, it was your choice to bid.
      Oct 31, 2014
    13. Dontchallengeme
      Done deal. Sounds great. :) Thanks! :D
      Oct 31, 2014