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  • Comments on Profile Post by salamander

    1. ~KingBwol~
      Its an old vekoma...I not exactly sure...-I dont like vekomas, but I like it as my profile pic because its crazy and they realllyy shake you up :)
      Oct 29, 2014
    2. salamander
      Have you ever been to Spain's park called Port Aventura? There are really cool coasters there.
      Oct 29, 2014
    3. ~KingBwol~
      Nope, but I want too!
      Its such a cool park! =D
      Oct 29, 2014
    4. salamander
      I rode one of the coasters there ! They're amazing !!
      Oct 30, 2014
    5. ~KingBwol~
      cool!! *lucky*
      Oct 30, 2014