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  • Comments on Profile Post by BlueL1ghtn1ng

    1. vJigglez
      Kid stop going around on to someone profle and compling when you able to do that. wow
      Oct 24, 2014
    2. BlueL1ghtn1ng
      kid stop being like such a kid, I believe you dont know my age but I do. People that assume like you are one of the reasons that i get pissed.
      also please refer to the post below my post by yin, it is the same thing.
      Oct 24, 2014
    3. vJigglez
      Kid stop telling me what to do like your such a kid.
      Oct 25, 2014
    4. BlueL1ghtn1ng
      dude, you assuming and you really are a kid. your 12.
      just how you reply, its just hilarious
      Oct 27, 2014