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  • Comments on Profile Post by RachetSenpai

    1. KingBreakerMike
      Well, they're back. Hope your hammer's hungry.
      Oct 21, 2014
    2. kylan3
      Are the bots the ones that don't talk ??
      Oct 22, 2014
    3. KingBreakerMike
      No, there's a bunch of spambots run by the same dude that all say the same exact thing he does when he wants them to. Pretty annoying, if I say so myself. :l
      Oct 22, 2014
    4. kylan3
      Cool but true might be annoying
      Oct 22, 2014
    5. Spice
      I'd let you borrow my hammer but that's in the attic. Sorrybae
      Oct 22, 2014
    6. RachetSenpai
      Oct 22, 2014
    7. Jelmer
      Who was behind those spams?
      Oct 22, 2014
    8. RachetSenpai
      Oct 22, 2014
    9. KingBreakerMike
      The "name" we accepted for him was RootSytax since he responded to that and could speak using just that account if he so chose.
      Oct 22, 2014