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  • Comments on Profile Post by Gemmalove

    1. [god] EliVdd
      [god] EliVdd
      Yeah. I would like to have it back as it was my original account :/
      Idk How long it will take for Cypriot to help me with this.
      Oct 16, 2014
    2. Gemmalove
      Honestly, probably so long that this account will be just as good as the old one.
      Oct 16, 2014
    3. [god] EliVdd
      Oct 16, 2014
    4. SavageTM
      Lel I'll get Cypriot to get him his rank. I'll PM him on skype.
      Oct 16, 2014
    5. Gemmalove
      He's blocked a lot of people, I would make sure you're actually connecting. And he rarely replies to Skype, so you can try..
      Oct 16, 2014
    6. SavageTM
      He's adding my Walking Dead server to mineverse. LOL ofc were connecting.
      Oct 16, 2014
    7. Gemmalove
      Oh excuse me, glad you have connections. Feel free to try to get him on it.
      Oct 16, 2014