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  • Comments on Profile Post by Post Malone

    1. Buntobaga
      Mar 13, 2014
    2. Post Malone
      Post Malone
      When flare_snuggles threw a Night Vision Potion at you, and you said you where Blind???, and i killed you!
      Mar 13, 2014
    3. Buntobaga
      Oh det I think i let my bruh play and I drank milk fell asleep and he woke me up saying nub xray hack idk lol gg did you kill him? Good god thanks cya
      Mar 13, 2014
    4. Post Malone
      Post Malone
      Yeah uh, that sounds really Dodgey and are you saying i used x-ray?? cause i did /tpa and u accepted?
      Mar 13, 2014
    5. Buntobaga
      he woke me up and I heard the words:
      Xray Noob hack mad cheater
      Or something. That wasn't me. I hate facs. Lol
      Mar 13, 2014