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  • Comments on Profile Post by ChloyyBear

    1. AmazingFireGirl
      I won't be on for a while I am on and off this week
      so u will get reports done
      Oct 14, 2014
    2. ChloyyBear
      ;o I'm sad and excited at the same time ;-; :D
      Oct 14, 2014
    3. AmazingFireGirl
      Oct 14, 2014
    4. ChloyyBear
      An awesome mod like you won't be here and there is more reports for me ;o
      Oct 14, 2014
    5. AmazingFireGirl
      not that great still learning :P and I will be on just on and off only because i am busy
      Oct 14, 2014
    6. ChloyyBear
      Nah, you're great. Don't let anyone tell you different :> and okie.
      Oct 14, 2014
    7. AmazingFireGirl
      i know but still learning enjoy being mod
      Oct 14, 2014
    8. Spice
      Geez, you have it easy. Back in the *ahem* olden days, doing reports was boring as hell, partially because we had about 4-5 people doing them, and they would get up to 100. There were days I would literally sit down for three hours and get everything done.

      [Not to sound bitter, but no one said thanks but Pile, and Cyp apparently doesn't know my name]
      Oct 14, 2014