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  • Comments on Profile Post by Daddy

    1. Sound
      Tell my why you are rate abusing with ducky and his friends very childish.
      Oct 14, 2014
    2. Daddy
      Do you not understand what rate abusing is? Rate abusing is when you get more then 3 Negative ratings from the SAME person. I simply gave a Rating of your post. Do not get upset and stop being so childish.
      Oct 14, 2014
    3. Sound
      so if i got my friends to rate all ur post dumb that wouldnt be rate abusing.
      Oct 14, 2014
    4. Daddy
      That would count as a Gang rep abuse as you openly admit ed to that and will take a screenshot for future purposes. Also you just gave me a recent dumb rating. Can you stop being so immature. Thank you.
      Oct 14, 2014
    5. Sound
      You gave me one to so you stop being immature.
      Oct 14, 2014
    6. Daddy
      Hahha you are so childish you are giving me one because I gave you one. Then you point fingers at me. Anyways, I am done arguing with a little kid. Cya man.
      Oct 14, 2014