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  • Comments on Profile Post by Zambiana

    1. KatoKillsMyGPA
      I think Sco will do fine as the head moderator, but I am humbled you would think of me as a candidate. I think the addition of the rank should help smooth things out in certain areas though.
      Oct 12, 2014
    2. KatoKillsMyGPA
      Hate being unable to edit comments ----> Any who, I was going to say it'd be an interesting thing to try out on the other forums if anything at all to help the server out as a whole.
      Oct 12, 2014
    3. Zambiana
      Lmao. I was thinking the exact same thing. It'd be nice to have on Skyblock, kinda like a mini-admin.
      Oct 13, 2014
    4. KatoKillsMyGPA
      Exactly, I think it would be a good start to something that could turn out for the better of the community, hopefully it is implemented eventually.
      Oct 13, 2014