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  • Comments on Profile Post by Grayson

    1. mindsensation
      Thank you for the apology, Grayson. :)
      I forgive you.
      Oct 12, 2014
    2. Grayson
      Too easy/Too good to be true.
      Oct 12, 2014
    3. mindsensation
      Nope, you've hit me in one of my good moods.
      Oct 12, 2014
    4. Grayson
      Ahh. Good. , I'm lucky I didn't do this yesterday.
      Oct 12, 2014
    5. mindsensation
      Damn right you are, yesterday I missed my homecoming ;-;
      Glad to see you back in the community, by the way. I hope you're feeling better. :)
      Oct 12, 2014
    6. Grayson
      Eh, I'm bipolar as .

      Homecoming is really that much of a thing there? I mean, I'm confused. I usually have to work on homecomings.

      I won't stay here for long, I just came here to have a chat with Merks and make some things better.
      Oct 12, 2014
    7. mindsensation
      Yeah, it is. I was really disappointed, too. My crush went and we were supposed to meet up and stuff, but I FORGOT TO BUY A TICKET IN ADVANCE I WAS SO PISSED UGHHHHH. Then my mom went and yelled at all of the teachers and I practically died of embarrassment. So yeah, yesterday wasn't the best day.

      Ah. At least you're trying to fix things. :)
      Oct 12, 2014
    8. Grayson
      Only with certain people.

      Others don't deserve it. :)
      Oct 12, 2014
    9. mindsensation
      Well I'm flattered to hear that you think I deserve it. :)
      Oct 12, 2014
    10. Grayson
      Of course.

      You did nothing to me, and I used you as a punching bag.
      You deserve better than that.
      Oct 12, 2014
    11. mindsensation
      Thank you, once again. Also, I apologize for any grievances we've had in the past. I can be kind of stubborn sometimes.
      Oct 12, 2014
    12. Grayson
      We all can be. Don't apologize for something that you cannot control.
      Oct 12, 2014
    13. mindsensation
      Oct 12, 2014